Characteristics of emotional intelligence in psychology students and business administration of a public university of Santa Marta, Colombia: a pilot study
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Emotional Intelligence
college students.

How to Cite

Suárez Colorado, Y., Guzmán García, K., Medina Alfonso, L., & Ceballos Ospino, G. (2012). Characteristics of emotional intelligence in psychology students and business administration of a public university of Santa Marta, Colombia: a pilot study. Duazary, 9(2), 132–139.


This is a study of descriptivo-correlacional type and transversal design aims to main found gender differences in the characteristics of emotional intelligence (EI) on a sample of college students of a public institution of higher education in Santa Marta, Colombia, through the application of the Traid goal Mood-TMMS-24 Fernández-Berrocal and Extremera1. The study counted with the participation of 32 students of whom 16 belong to the psychology programme and 16 to the program of business administration at ages 17 to 30 years, distributed in 22 women and 10 men. Although the results suggest that there are no significant differences between the status of the components of IE and gender, is recommended replication of a similar study taking into account that as a pilot test the generalization of results is not applicable insofar as the sample statistically represents the population, in the same way that is convenient to add other instruments of measurement of IE.
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