Characterization of the human talent in health that serves people with chronic disease: construction of a survey
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Health personnel
professional competence
health classifications
chronic disease

How to Cite

Carreño-Moreno, S., Mabel Carrillo, G., Chaparro-Díaz, L., Sánchez-Herrera, B., & Vargas-Rosero, E. (2016). Characterization of the human talent in health that serves people with chronic disease: construction of a survey. Duazary, 13(1), 15–22.


The objective of this work, is provide conceptual elements that constitute an integrated vision of care conditions required by the human talent in health HTH) that caters to people with chronic disease (CD) and their families, and that are translated into a tool for gathering information of survey type that allow characterization. This research was conducted in three phases: 1) Review of the literature. 2) Structuring a proposed survey 3) Refinement of the final version of the survey. As results, based on the conceptual framework it was possible to reach a comprehensive vision that served as the basis for the development of a survey to identify the conditions of HTH to care for people with chronic illness and their families. This instrument, called GCPC-A-THS (in Spanish), contains 37 items distributed in 6 additional dimensions that include aspects of care such as: sociodemographic variables of HTH, caring ability, information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a means of support to care, continuity, security and also includes some items related to the level of professional satisfaction. The work done made it possible to achieve a comprehensive view of the characteristics and conditions required by the HTH for care to people with chronic illness and their families.
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