Physical activity in type II Diabetes Mellitus, an effective therapeutic element: review of the clinical impact
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Physical Activity
Diabetes Mellitus

How to Cite

Arias-Vázquez, P. I. (2015). Physical activity in type II Diabetes Mellitus, an effective therapeutic element: review of the clinical impact. Duazary, 12(2), 147–156.


A review was conducted in databases (PubMed, PEDro) of type studies clinical trial, cohort study, systematic reviews, meta-analysis and clinical practice guidelines based on evidence they have studied the benefits of physical activity in the prevention , treatment and decreased risk of complications and death in patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Realization regular physical activity is associated with a decreased risk of developing Diabetes Mellitus; likewise was associated with decrease in glycated hemoglobin percentage A1C values. Diabetic patients undergoing high levels of physical activity had decreased risk of complications and death from cardiovascular disease and all causes. At present the scientific evidence on the impact of physical activity in the prevention and treatment of Diabetes Mellitus is solid, so it must be emphasized promoting physical activity as a fundamental part of the therapeutic regimens for this disease.
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