Common epistemological problems in doctoral investigations in pedagogic sciences
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Epistemological problem
scientific knowledge
pedagogic object
research’s problem
theoretical models

How to Cite

Pérez Fernández, A., & Martínez Blanco, C. (2010). Common epistemological problems in doctoral investigations in pedagogic sciences. Praxis, 6(1), 218–237.


In Pedagogical Sciences the quest of scientific knowledge has epistemological particularities related with complexity, subjectivity, interdisciplinarity, mutability, normalization and socio psychological, cultural, technological, political, economical and environmental conditioning of institutional education. The stage of the theory and methodology of pedagogic sciences multiply conditions the possibilities of quest of knowledge about its processes and actors. In investigation with doctoral intentions, to the above are added individual characteristics, formal requirements, methodological demands and time limitations, which have to be considered in each moment of research's conduction. The presentation of the conclusions of twenty years of experience and systematic study of those problems, that they have dialed successes and failures in tens of research projects and over a hundred doctoral theses, are initiated in present work.
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