Transforming education from educational management: towards a change of mentality
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Educative community; pedagogical strategy; education management; administration and management model; identity traits.

How to Cite

Jimenez-Cruz, J. (2019). Transforming education from educational management: towards a change of mentality. Praxis, 15(2), 223–235.


This article presents an analysis about work system organization inside higher education institutions; proposing the generation of new structures that repair troubles around the lack of planning, addressing and management, which substantially blocks the members of the educational community. Therefore, the document offers ideas associated with the professionalization of educational actions compared to the preparation of tasks in a work environment; based on a pedagogical-organizational project, which integrates the following factors: the identity features of administration model, the educational management perspective, the structure of a training course for managers and professors on the opening of learning and innovation; and, finally, the creation of the pedagogical and organizational strategy to improve management corporative practices. The methodology used was particularly focused on the observation of facts and realities (projective-holistic), centered on the subjects, and their relationships and interactions in the pedagogical and organizational context.
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