Literacy difficulties of second graders with transitory educative needs TEN and their influency in their academical and social performance
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Literacy Processes; Special Educative Needs; Transitory Educative Needs; Social Interaction; Academic Performance.

How to Cite

Malagón-Pinzón, G. S., Aponte-Chirivi, D. O., & Rodríguez-Sierra, A. V. (2018). Literacy difficulties of second graders with transitory educative needs TEN and their influency in their academical and social performance. Praxis, 14(1), 41–50.


This article is the result of a research project carried out to analyze the way literacy difficulties of children with Transitory Educative Needs (TEN) influence their academical performance and social interaction. A mixed methodology was followed by applying a test designed by Instituto para la Investigación y el Desarrollo (IDEP) in its quantitative phase, and the observation with a low structuration level in its qualitative phase. This research results allowed to detect students’ difficulties in relation to their oral comprehension and expression, as well as in the written code and in the interaction with pairs and adults. Furthermore, it was evidenced that these difficulties affect the performance in other areas of knowledge and thus in the academic results. The study provides tools to detect, to give answers and to intervene through pedagogical strategies in the cases of students that have not reached the language development level according to their age and course.
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