The drop: a social phenomenon". Experiences of Nursing Program students of the University of Tolima
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Dropout university
qualitative research

How to Cite

Núñez, M., Henao, A., & Fajardo, E. (2012). The drop: a social phenomenon". Experiences of Nursing Program students of the University of Tolima. Praxis, 8(1), 7–16.


It has been recognized as an academic dropout problem that is present in all levels of schooling, and in all academic programs in both classroom and distance of the world. The statistics thrown in studies conducted by university students in Latin America show that levels drop from 49% to 73%, and those specifically in the nursing program in Colombia demonstrate higher academic levels drop to 45 %. Objective: To identify the meaning of the experience of having deserted and the factors that led to the desertion of students in nursing program at the University of Tolima. Methodology: Research was conducted with a phenomenological approach, during 2009, with the participation of eight men and six women aged between 19 and 22 years of age, who said that his desertion from the nursing program came from two main causes: the motivation for academic medicine and for reasons of economic order. The technique of data collection was the in-depth interview. Results: The description of each experience helped found between students who dropped into the medicine category such as “life project”, “take your time,” medicine “if science” and nursing “living with the disease”. Conclusion: In contrast to the results of other research in the area, for students of nursing from the University of Tolima who moved to the medical program, desertion meant to make your life plan supported by the environment family.
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