Education vs teaching vs pedagogy: silently contained reflections
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teaching and philosophy.

How to Cite

Vélez Gallego, G. (2011). Education vs teaching vs pedagogy: silently contained reflections. Praxis, 7(1), 138–154.


This article attempts to rethink the way it has been reflecting on the pedagogy process from different paradigms to understand the relation with pedagogy and its problems with the sense of questioning teaching methods in the learning process of scientific knowledge which is reproduced before being interpreted and talked with the purpose of being appropriated consciously. According to the above, article motivates teachers to think about their educational interaction as well as the philosopher thinks and thinks again about objects of knowledge within its field, with all the rigor that critical reflective practice and theory demands. Brings philosophy to pedagogy being reflective in order to be finding an identity that allows it to be autonomous in the field of knowledge, and committed himself in the sense of meeting the challenges of education with a liberating thought.
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