Indigenous archaeology as complement to, not separate from, scientific archaeology

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Joe Watkins


Defining Indigenous Archaeology is as difficult as defining “Indigenous”. In some areas the term “Indigenous” is applied to people who existed in an area prior to colonization (“Geography”); in other areas it is applied to people who are to those people whose ancestors created the culture being (“Descendancy”); in others it is applied to the community of people who live in the area where the archaeology is being conducted (“Proximity”). This paper recognizes that Archaeology, however defined, has characteristics that add to the scientific study of the human past; that Indigenous Archaeology is not meant to supplant scientific archaeology but to add to archaeology’s powers. In this paper I will provide an overview of Indigenous Archaeology, examine some of the in trying to discuss its many facets as a single disciplinary approach to the of the past, and then close with an examination of the in the generalized approach to the study of the past by partnering with communities and organizations.


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Watkins, J. (2011). Indigenous archaeology as complement to, not separate from, scientific archaeology. Jangwa Pana, 10(1), 46–62.
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