Dung beetles diversity in two periods of annual precipitation in an andean forest fragment, Santander, Colombia
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climatic periods
effective species number
functional traits
Andean Region

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Morales Alba, A. F., Carvajal-Cogollo , J. E. ., & Morales, I. . (2023). Dung beetles diversity in two periods of annual precipitation in an andean forest fragment, Santander, Colombia. Intropica, 50–64. Retrieved from


Temporal fluctuations in diversity, both taxonomic and functional, allow us to evaluate the dynamics of biotic assemblages at different regional and local scales; the latter has a smaller number of investigations that elucidate the patterns of said assemblages. This research aimed to determine the taxonomic (alpha and beta) and functional diversity of dung beetles in two climatic periods, in a fragment of Andean forest (local scale). We used a design of 10 replicate traps inside a forest fragment, baited with human excrement. Taxonomic and functional diversities were assessed by alpha and beta diversity metrics. We collected a total of 2199 individuals, 13 species and nine genera. In the rainy season, we recorded 11 species and 72 % of individuals, and in the dry season, ten species and 28 % of individuals. The β diversity was 57 % (βSOR = 0.57), with a nesting percentage of 33 % (βsim = 0.33) and 24 % turnover (βnes = 0.24). We recorded seven functional types, where the group of paracoprid beetles, of medium size and legs, was the best represented. Functional richness was equal for both periods (Fric = 4.24), while the functional uniformity and functional dispersion were lower in the rainy period (Rain: FEve = 0.29 and FDis = 0.59; Drought: FEve = 0.34 and FDis = 0.75). We found that temporal variation in rainfall regimes only had effects on abundance, but not on the other attributes of the dung beetle assemblage at the local level. The congruence between taxonomic and functional diversities shows show a complementarity to better understand the patterns of diversity and make better decisions in terms of conservation.
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