Microalgae among schoolchildren in the Magallanes-sur de Chile region. An experience to develop scientific skills and disseminate science
Sánchez, 2021


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microhunters of the light

How to Cite

Sánchez, G. (2021). Microalgae among schoolchildren in the Magallanes-sur de Chile region. An experience to develop scientific skills and disseminate science. Intropica, 16(2), 245–259. Retrieved from (Original work published December 9, 2021)


The “Microhunters of the Light” were bornin 2014 to unravel the world of microalgae to students in the Region of Magallanes (southernmost Chile). Ten to twelve-year-old kids were introduced to the ecology, importance, and biotechnological potential of microalgal groups from the region of Magallanes. Theoretical and practical workshops were implemented as games, imagining that the microalgae belonged to an almost invisible army called Microhunters of the Light. Several examples of different microalgae groups such as Cyanophyta (Anabaena), diatoms (Didymosphaenia geminata), Chlorophyta (Chlamydomonas navalis), and Haptophyta (Braarudosphaera bigelowii) were studied, including their biology, morphology, and ecology. A total of 109 kids participated in five workshops carried out in Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales. The topics were portrayed using stories and personifications of several microalgal species representative of regional ecosystems. Also, several laboratories where microalgae are cultured were visited, and samples were collected so that the kids could review them in the laboratory later. The workshops had a good reception from both the children and their parents, evidenced by the rapid completion of inscriptions and high attendance.
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