Physical-chemical and phytoplancton analysis of the Puerto Caiman marsh, Caribbean Basin, Colombia


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bioindicators; eutrophication; phytoplankton; limnology; South America; lentic ecosystem

How to Cite

Blanco-Muñoz, E., De la Parra-Guerra, A. C. ., García-Alzate, C., & Villarreal-Blanco, E. (2021). Diagnóstico fisicoquímico y biológico de las condiciones ambientales en la Ciénaga Puerto Caimán, Tubará, Atlántico, Colombia. Intropica, 15(2). Retrieved from


The environmental conditions in the Puerto Caiman marsh, Caribbean slope, Colombia, were evaluated, taking into account the physical-chemical variables and their influence on the taxocenosis of the marsh's phytoplankton. Five stations were established, taking into account general characteristics of the body of water (stream and seawater entry, morphology and extension). In each of the stations, 24 L of surface water were filtered, with a pore diameter mesh of 24 µm for the phytoplankton collection, additionally physical-chemical variables were registered in situ and environmental pollution indices evaluated. The behavior of physico-chemical variables such as alkalinity, conductivity, total suspended solids, pH, dissolved oxygen and water temperature showed variation in the body of water. The composition of the phytoplankton recorded changes in richness y density. The highest density (1045 Cél.mL-1) was observed in the third sample, dominated by Nitzschia acicularis (994 Cél.mL-1), species with the highest density in all the samplings (1031 Cél.mL-1), followed by Entomoneis alata (243 Cél.mL-1) and Anabaena flos-aquae (181 Cél.mL-1). environmental pollution indices evidenced contamination in the Puerto Caiman marsh due to the effects of total suspended solids (ICOSUS), mineralization (ICOMI) and anthropogenic effects such as livestock, destruction of riparian vegetation and domestic dumping. The Puerto Caiman marsh is a polluted-eutrophied environment, characterized by several species of phytoplankton previously reported for some authors as an indicator of polluted water.
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