Coral diversity and its relationship with diving in protected naturalareas reefs: Mexico, Belize and Honduras


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intensive dive
not intensive dive
National park
coral reef
Mesoamerican system reef
coral diversity

How to Cite

González-Solis, A. ., Torruco, D. ., & Torruco-González, Ángel D. . (2020). Coral diversity and its relationship with diving in protected naturalareas reefs: Mexico, Belize and Honduras. Intropica, 15(2), 94–113. Retrieved from (Original work published October 13, 2020)


Scuba diving on coral reefs is an important element of tourism in the tropics; per year around 1.5 million divers are certified and around 304 thousand correspond to America. The motivation success in the observation of the underwater world, are perhaps the numerous documentaries available in different formats, which highlight the beauty of this and especially the coral reefs. By evaluating the effect of diving, we can determine what level of use is justifiable to balance economic and conservation objectives for reef diversity. In three Caribbean countries, coral cover and coral diversity were compared by means of photo transects between sites with intensive and non-intensive diving in similar environments. The direct physical damage to the reefs was relatively low, and diving had a poor indicator effect, the coral cover declining in a minimal proportion in both types of sites. In the coral formations evaluated there was a reduction in their average coverage between 8-13 %, in comparison with reefs of the Mesoamerican Reef System. The results suggest a bottom stress impact not related to tourism. This work aims to contribute to the management of protected natural areas and their evaluation in an effective way. Above all, when the interest is focused on aspects related to the conservation and health of reefs.
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