Habitats use and floral resources of Chalybura buffonii caerulogaster (Aves: Trochilidae) in a sector of the Piedmonte Llanero, Villavicencio, Colombia


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Habitat selection; trophic resource; hummingbird; fragmented habitat

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Morales González, O. E., Peñuela-Díaz, G. ., & Carvajal-Cogollo, J. E. . (2020). Habitats use and floral resources of Chalybura buffonii caerulogaster (Aves: Trochilidae) in a sector of the Piedmonte Llanero, Villavicencio, Colombia. Intropica, 15(1), 34–41. Retrieved from


The hummingbird Chalybura buffonii caeruleogaster is a subspecies of which little is known about its ecology, including trophic aspects. For this reason, we seek to contribute to the knowledge of the use of habitats and plant species used as food by C. b. caeruleogaster. We carry out samplings from March to September 2018, in the dry and rainy seasons in localities of the Piedemonte Llanero. We registered 16 adult individuals, 10 males and six females, of which 11 were observed in the rainy season and five in the dry season. The most used habitats were the urban fabric, the secondary vegetation and the mosaic of crops. We registered 10 species that formed the floral resource of C. b. caeruleogaster. Within these plant species ornamental and native plants of the region were registered. This provides information on the use of generalized resources by the species. The exposed results contribute to the knowledge of the ecology of the species (subspecies), its elusive nature and the potential of amplitude of its dietary spectrum. Recommendations are proposed to evaluate the ecological processes and mechanisms that shape the population size (its rarity or elusive nature) and the detection capacity in natural environments.
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