Maize responses that indicate that the Paclobutrazol induces higher genetic activity
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Velázquez- Alcaraz, T. D. J., Díaz-Valdés, T., Ayala-Tafoya, F., Yáñez Juárez, M. G., Partida- Ruvalcaba, L., Medina López, R., & López-Orona, C. A. (2019). Maize responses that indicate that the Paclobutrazol induces higher genetic activity. Intropica, 14(1), 51–59. Retrieved from


The aim of the research was to determine the effect of Paclobutrazol (PBZ) in the genetic activity of the maize cultivars Puma, 30P49 and DK2020, through the evaluation of response variables greenness, height of plant, stem diameter, leaf length and width, weight and volume of 1000 grains, protein content and grain yield per hectare. The experimental used was randomized complete blocks design with five replicates in two experiments performed during the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 agricultural cycles; in the first cycle plots of four row of 40 m of long were used, where 200 kg of N ha-1 were applied; while in the second the length of plots was 5.0 m and fertilized with 250 kg of N ha-1. The doses were 150, 300 and 450 mg of PBZ L-1 of water until exposure of the fourth, sixth and eighth true leaf, respectively. The results indicated that PBZ induced greater genetic activity, since the synthesis of proteins and other components of cells, tissues and organs is a process that depends on the transcription of DNA messages in mRNA, amino acid synthesis, the transport of amino acids by tRNA and the binding of amino acids by the enzyme Peptidyl Transferase, which leads to the translation of messages into structural and active proteins (enzymes), to form more cells and substances that constitute them and consequently , cause more grain yield per hectare.
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