Records of termites (Isoptera) associated with mango crops (Mangifera indica) in the department of Magdalena, Colombia
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Nasutitermes; Rhinotermitidae; Termitidae; crop; mango

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Hurtado, H. Y., Manga, D. A. M. A., & Sepúlveda-Cano, P. A. (2017). Records of termites (Isoptera) associated with mango crops (Mangifera indica) in the department of Magdalena, Colombia. Intropica, 12(2). Retrieved from


Termites (Isoptera) are social insects that cause damage to many crops of economic interest. Given the importance of mango crops in the economy of the farmers in the department of Magdalena and the growth of this crop in the region, a preliminary termites inventory was carried out. Samplings were taken in 22 orchards located in the different producing areas of the department of Magdalena. Manual collections of termite specimens were made in each area and two families were determined: Rhinotermitidae, with one genus (Heterotermes), and Termitidae, with two genera (Microcerotermes y Nasutitermes). Four morphospecies were identified. Nasutitermes sp. was the most frequent in the sampled orchards, followed by N. nigriceps, Microcerotermes sp. and Heterotermes tenuis. New field and laboratory observations aimed at determining the factors affecting the distribution and incidence of termite species in the department and an analysis of their economic impact on the crop are required.
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