Development of Chlosyne lacinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) on Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae) under controlled conditions
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hairy worm sunflower
breeding Lepidoptera
life cycle.

How to Cite

Brochero Bustamante, C. E., Colorado Martínez, S. J., & Sepúlveda-Cano, P. A. (2012). Development of Chlosyne lacinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) on Tithonia diversifolia (Asteraceae) under controlled conditions. Intropica, 7(1), 115–120. Retrieved from


Chlosyne lacinia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) also known as sunflower patch, is an important economic pest in this crop due to the defoliant behavior in larval stage. In addition to the sunflower, other known alternate hosts could be used for breeding in captivity. In order to describe the different development stages and their duration on its alternate hosts in Magdalena Tithonia diversifolia, we rear this species in the laboratory of entomology at the Universidad del Magdalena, with a diet based on leaves of this plant. The life cycle of C. lacinia lasted 38-42 days. The eggs took an average of six days to hatch. The larval stage had a mean duration of 20 days, and the pupal and adult, lasting 6 and 8 days respectively. The results of this work they differ from those made by others on the breeding of this species in laboratory on two main aspects: a significant reduction in the total cycle time and one more stage in the larval development of the insect
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