Why to implement long-term studies in the Colombian Caribbean dry forest?
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Climatic change
dry forest

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Álvarez, E., Mendoza, I., Pacheco, M., Restrepo, Z., Benítez, D., Gutiérrez, T. D., … Gómez, F. (2012). Why to implement long-term studies in the Colombian Caribbean dry forest?. Intropica, 7(1), 97–113. Retrieved from


Dry forests represent almost half of the world’s tropical forests and they are the most threatened ecosystems by human activities. The growing a knowledge in preservation of the few remaining underlines the significance of establishing monitoring strategies for dry forests which would illustrate their role in the context of the tropical forests’ preservation. In 2001, we began to establish permanent monitoring parcels in the Caribe dry forest. Today, with the support of both, national and international institutions and local actors, a network of 11 widely spread across the region parcels has been established to cover the most important remnants of dry forest from the Caribbean coast, accounting all climatic gradients present. The results obtained by the network include: contents of carbon and forest diversity in relation with climatic variables, carbon fixation rates and population dynamics of important species for the restoration. However, the lack of institutional support at regional and national levels, with some important exceptions, puts at risk the continuity of this important project for the dry forest preservation in context of climatic change adaptation. Nowadays, other institutions have replied to this initiative and have made advances on their own, establishing new monitoring sites in the Caribbean forests. It is of high priority to work for the integration of these efforts in order to create a more ambitious strategy for monitoring the Caribbean forests. For this, interest and compromise from regional institutions and researchers are required
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