Forms of child abuse used by adults of a district in Santa Marta
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Child abuse
child abandoned
child advocacy

How to Cite

Acosta Salazar, D., Lapeira Panneflex, P., & González Noguera, T. (2014). Forms of child abuse used by adults of a district in Santa Marta. Duazary, 11(1), 30–35.


Child abuse remains a situation experienced by children of all social classes, while this usually occurs with higher incidence in children living under poor socioeconomic status, which may affect the quality of life for these children to be victims of experienced abuse in their family and social environment. This study aims to describe the forms of child abuse used by adults the barrio Las Malvinas in under 18 years, the methodology used was descriptive and quantitative crosscut. The sample consisted of 83 adults living in the neighborhood of Las Malvinas, which is a survey called Survey for the Detection of Child Abuse or at risk for, resulting in the highest incidence psychological abuse, acts of abuse in children were prompted by a family member and in triggering situations described by adults surveyed is overwork and lack of money.
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