Asociación entre la disminución de los niveles de flujo salival y xerostomía en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica hemodializados de la unidad renal nefrología ltda, de la ciudad de Santa Marta

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Sandra Espitia Nieto
Luis Castillo Parodi
Belfran Carbonell Medina
Ana Paulina Mórelo Villarreal
Milytza Pacheco Salcedo


Chronic renal insufficiency is defined as the slow and progressive loss of the kidney function. It causes oral consequences such as xerostomia (dry mouth) which when accompanied with hiposalia (low salivary flow) can causeoral complications, like periodontal disease, bacterial and micotic infections, speech and swallowing difficulties and increased drinking of liquids. All this complications affect the patients’ quality of life and even the disease. There are no studies showing the relationship between xerostomia and hiposalia in this kind of patients. Sixty two patients diagnosed with chronic renal insufficiency were divided into one study and one control group. These patients were under hemodialisis. Seventy two percent of the patients said to have xerostomia. Sialometry was done in seventeen patients with xerostomia and 17 with no xerostomia (control group). The results of the sialometry showed that the stimulated and non stimulated salivary flow was diminished in the study group. The comparison of the study and control groups showed an RMp equal to 5 and 2, with a confidence level of 95% which indicates a likely clinical-epidemiological association between low salivary flow and xerostomia in stimulated and non-stimulated patients. Hence, xerostomia in patients with chronic renal insufficiency is related to hiposalia.


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Espitia Nieto, S., Castillo Parodi, L., Carbonell Medina, B., Mórelo Villarreal, A. P., & Pacheco Salcedo, M. (2007). Asociación entre la disminución de los niveles de flujo salival y xerostomía en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica hemodializados de la unidad renal nefrología ltda, de la ciudad de Santa Marta. Duazary, 4(2), 100–111.
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