Efectividad de las placas oclusales estabilizadoras en el manejo de la sintomatología temporomandibular
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occlusive’s stabilizing plates
tempolamandibular symptomatology
analogous visual scale of pain.

How to Cite

Bustillo Verbel, R., Chapman Matera, R. I., Morales Suárez, L., & Gallo Arbeláez, M. J. (2007). Efectividad de las placas oclusales estabilizadoras en el manejo de la sintomatología temporomandibular. Duazary, 4(1), 19–24. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.636


Object: determinate the effectivity of the stabilizing occlusive plates in the managing of the symptomatology tempolomandibular. Materials and method: 50 patients were selected of the clinics of post degree of the university Colombian college, 33 women and 17 men, by ages between 18 to 70 years, the plates occlusive were stabilized in agreement to the requirements of every patient especially, being used for 24 hours a day for 6 weeks, with controls for8, 21, 45 days to have been started the treatment. The painful muscular simptomatology and to articulated was felt and evaluated by the analogous visual scale of pain, the articular noise was auscultated by means of the fonendoscopy, the evaluation of the diversion and ranges of pertaining to the mandibular movement was realized by means of a milimetric rule. Results: Than muscular pain as articulate diminished significantly in 89% and 97% respectively, in the behaviour of the articulate noise type pop there was decrease of 45.63%, whereas in the crepitation type there was no variation. The ranges of the mandibular movements were increased 8.08% while the diversion in the pertaining to the mandibular movement does not present changes. Conclusion: The occlusive’s stabilizing plates were effective solving the tempolamandibular symptomatology.
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