Hallazgos estomatológicos relacionados con insuficiencia renal crónica. Estudio de cohorte

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Sandra Espitia Nieto
Zoyla Carbonell Muñoz
Martha Carmona Lorduy


This investigation had the object to measure the impact that the administrative reconstruction (2004, 2005) hason the organizational climate (OC), through the comparison of its variation in the pre and post reconstruction phases in the Mayoralty of the Touristy, Cultural and Historical District of Santa Marta with the purpose topropose administrative actions and strategies that can improve it.This is a descriptive kind investigation that takes as an independent variable the AdministrativeReconstruction, which takes place in the institution and as dependent variable the seven ones that constitutethe Measure Instrument of the Organizational Climate in Colombian Enterprises (OCCE).Through this it is established that the process of the Administrative Reconstruction didnt affect the OC,showing it Acceptable for the first measurement, whereas the result of the second is Good.Moreover it was determined that its administrative pattern is the Dogmatic kind given that in the Controlvariable is shown as the highest and the Take of Decisions is observed as the lowest for pos measure.Because the investigation took two measurements, one before finishing the process of reconstruction and thesecond one took seven months after that one, they wanted to clear if the difference between the first and thesecond measure were statistically significant, for which is was used the test «t» for students and by whichis was concluded that the difference is not statistically significant.


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How to Cite
Espitia Nieto, S., Carbonell Muñoz, Z., & Carmona Lorduy, M. (2006). Hallazgos estomatológicos relacionados con insuficiencia renal crónica. Estudio de cohorte. Duazary, 3(2), 4–9. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.612
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