Quality of dental information in medical records for forensic purposes
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Forensic dentistry
Forensic Identification
Clinical history

How to Cite

Barraza-Salcedo, M. del S., & Herrera-Herrera, A. del C. (2024). Quality of dental information in medical records for forensic purposes. Duazary, 21(2), 133–139. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.5889


Introduction: The quality of dental medical records is essential for clinical and forensic purposes. However, more is needed to know about the quality of these stories for these purposes in the Colombian context. Objective: To evaluate the quality of dental information in medical records for forensic purposes. Method: A descriptive study was designed to analyze medical records taken during 2022. Results: One-hundred twenty medical records were reviewed, 72% of the odontography was correctly completed, 88% were legible, 75.4% were updated treatments, 56% were completed "satisfactorily," 44% presented deletions and amendments, 8% had updated dental symbols for treatment, and 92% presented inconsistencies. Conclusions: The quality of dental histories for forensic purposes is limited. Analytical studies are needed to study the factors associated with the quality of dental records for forensic purposes.
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