High difficulty endodontic treatment in calcified tooth: Clinical case report
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Dental pulp cavity
Root canal therapy

How to Cite

Quesada-Maldonado, E. A., & Quiroz-Morales, D. (2024). High difficulty endodontic treatment in calcified tooth: Clinical case report. Duazary, 21(2), 158–165. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.5873


Obliteration of the root canal system is associated with situations that can trigger injuries or attacks on the pulp, including cavities, orthodontics, trauma, etc. The absence of a visible canal and its calcification imply great difficulty. A 48-year-old woman with pain, history of trauma, caries, and response to a typical cold sensitivity test without pain on palpation and pain on percussion. Without mobility and normal root. There is also no evidence of accidents or initiation of treatment. Evaluation, determination of the complexity of each clinical situation, adequate planning, and use of cutting-edge resources and tools prevail.
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