Rumiative thinking as a mediator to the appearance of stroke
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ruminative thinking
suppressive thinking

How to Cite

Delgado Suárez, J., Herrera Jiménez, L. F., & Delgado Suárez, Y. M. (2008). Rumiative thinking as a mediator to the appearance of stroke. Duazary, 5(1), 15–23.


The increasing prevalence of stroke at world-wide level lead to investigations that analyze the influence of psychological factors in order to obtain an integral perspective about that pathology. Rumiative thinking has been described as an essential cause to the appearance of anxious states, stress and depression; that is why this study is focused in characterize ruminative thinking before the appearance of stroke (n=45).To obtain the information were used: While-Bear Supresión Inventory and psychological retest interview. Finally some patterns were defined: ruminative thiking is more common in old ages and women and suppressive thinking is related with different levels of schooling and socio-economical stratum.
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