Factors associated with post-COVID-19 mental health in Barranquilla university students
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Mental health
Health risks

How to Cite

Suárez-Villa, M., Camacho-Suárez, J., Barraza-Caballero, M., Franco-Rodríguez, Y., & Tapias-Suarez, D. (2024). Factors associated with post-COVID-19 mental health in Barranquilla university students. Duazary, 20(4), 261–272. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.5477


Introduction: Good mental health is essential in the development of the individual, having appropriate management of personal capacities, skills and tools allows them to adapt to the needs of today's world; There are many factors associated with mental health post COVID-19; After confinement, situations of psychosocial disturbance occurred in the higher education student population. Objective: determine the factors associated with mental health after confinement due to COVID-19 in university students in Barranquilla, Colombia. Method: Quantitative correlational study, the sample was 212 nursing students, using the Epi Info calculator. Results: 50% of the population is between 20 and 24 years old, single, from a low-low socioeconomic stratum, belonging to the subsidized health care, a significant relationship was found between age and anxiety, between gender and suicidal ideas, the psychosocial and family variables of interest significantly explain the occurrence of suicidal ideas in the population studied. Conclusions: There are various factors that influence mental health after confinement due to COVID-19, therefore, there is an urgent need to enhance resilience, personal growth, intra-family relationships and particularly vulnerable groups to minimize the psychosocial impact on the population.  
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