Dimensionality and internal consistency of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP-II) in university students
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Healthy lifestyles
Factor analysis
Validation study

How to Cite

Gómez-Acosta, A., Escobar-Velásquez, K. D., & Barajas-Lizarazo, M. (2024). Dimensionality and internal consistency of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP-II) in university students. Duazary, 21(1), 50–61. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.5435


Introduction: Lifestyles refer to the habitual behaviors each person presents and characterizes based on their health. However, the psychometric characteristics of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP-II) are unknown. Objective: To evaluate the dimensionality and reliability of the HPLP-II in Colombian university students. Method: A psychometric study was carried out with the participation of 293 university students over 18 years who completed the HPLP-II. Exploratory factor analysis was performed using the principal components method. Reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Results: Five factors were identified that explained 63.6% of the variance. The factor coefficients of the items were observed between 0.44 and 0.78. Internal consistency was acceptable per factor, with Cronbach's alpha values ​​between 0.82 and 0.91. Conclusion: The questionnaire's psychometric properties show adequate values ​​in most adjustment indices, but not in all, which is why new applications must be made to confirm the instrument's suitability to measure lifestyles in the Colombian population.
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