Perception of diet, health habits, personal agency during COVID-19
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Physical activity
Eating habit

How to Cite

Jiménez-Martínez, M. C., Latorre-Velásquez, D. C., Ramírez-Roncancio, N. L., & González-Valencia, G. (2022). Perception of diet, health habits, personal agency during COVID-19. Duazary, 19(2), 106–115.


Analyzing the effect of the variables Eating Habits, Emotional Condition and Physical Activity (PA) Agency on Diet Perception and PA Time, in Colombian university students under COVID-19 confinement conditions. Preliminary correlational research was conducted through a comparative survey with both exploratory and explanatory scope. It was applied to 389 students who voluntarily completed the instrument on a Google Form. The structural model explains respectively 38% and 53% of the variability of the students’ diet perception and PA time. The model shows both statistical (χ² = 84 [47 gl p = 0,09]) and practical (IBBAN = 96; IBBANN = 99; IAC = 0,99 and RMSEA = 0,02 [0,00, 0,04]) goodness of fit. Hence, it can be stated that this inclusive model has the same explanatory power as the saturated one, which relates all variables to each other. Eating habits and intention were found to have a direct effect on the university students’ diet perception. Just as well, eating habits, intention and diet perception were observed to increase PA time.
PDF (Español (España))


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