Emotional state of caregivers and preschool children: before and during de quarantine for COVID-19
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Family Relations

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Romero-Acosta, K., Fonseca-Beltrán, L., Doria-Dávila, D., Herazo-Chamorro, M., & Pérez-Vásquez, D. (2022). Emotional state of caregivers and preschool children: before and during de quarantine for COVID-19. Duazary, 19(2), 85–94. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.4687


At present it is going through a global pandemic that forced the human being to adopt different ways of relating and doing their daily tasks, for that reason we wanted to make a comparison of the depressive symptoms of caregivers, the perception of the function family and internalized and externalized problems in children aged two to five years, in three groups interviewed at three times: 1) before quarantine by COVID-19 in Colombia, 2) during the first three weeks of quarantine and 3 ) from the fourth to the sixth week of quarantine. The questionnaires used measured: sociodemographic characteristics, the perception of the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of individuals, the perception of family-function, depressive symptoms of caregivers, and the behavior and emotional state of children. Aggressive behavior (Mean = 8,79; p = 0,000), anxiety (3,85; p = 0,025) and attention problems (2,53; p = 0,023) were found to be higher in the third group studied. The perception of family function was more positive in the third group (Average: 14,06; p = 0,006). 
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