Relation between mother's vaccine hesitancy and the vaccination scheme of the child under 5 years
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Vaccination refusal
Immunization schedule

How to Cite

Bernal-Vaquera, B. M., Guerrero-Castañeda, R. F., Vega-Macía, H. D., & Silva-Vera, M. (2022). Relation between mother’s vaccine hesitancy and the vaccination scheme of the child under 5 years. Duazary, 19(1), 38–48.


Introduction: Vaccine Hesitancy is “the delay in accepting or rejecting vaccination despite the availability of vaccination services”. Aim: To relate Vaccine Hesitancy of the mother of the child under 5 years and the child´s vaccination schedule. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional, correlational, non-experimental study. The Parent's Attitudes about Childhood Vaccine questionnaire was applied to measure Vaccine Hesitancy in mothers of children under five years of age, the vaccination schedule was recorded. Descriptive and inferential analysis was performed to compare, associate and correlate variables. Outcomes: 21% of mothers of children with a complete vaccination schedule have a medium level of vaccine hesitancy and 1.75% have a high level, mothers of children with an incomplete schedule 26% have a medium level and 5% a high level. No correlation was found between vaccine hesitancy and vaccination schedule (p=0.265) Associations were found between occupation and vaccination vaccine hesitancy (p =0.034), vaccination scheme between scholarship (p=0.013), occupation (p=0.034) and reasons for non-vaccination (p=0.000), negative correlations were found between vaccination schedule and scholarship (p=0.003) and age of the child (p=0.037). Conclusion. No correlation was found between vaccine hesitancy and the vaccination schedule.
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