
health evaluation
mental health

How to Cite

Baños-Chaparro, J. (2024). EVALUATION OF ANXIETY SYMPTOMS: PSYCHOMETRIC EVIDENCE OF THE GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER-7 IN PERUVIAN ADULTS. Duazary, 19(4). Retrieved from https://revistas.unimagdalena.edu.co/index.php/duazary/article/view/4388


Anxiety is a recurrent psychological problem in adults in the general population, being a risk factor for other physical and mental health disorders. Given these problems, it is necessary to have a reliable instrument to assess anxiety and identify probable cases. The aim of the study was to analyze the sources of evidence of validity of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) in Peruvian adults from the general population. Participants were selected by convenience sampling and inclusion criteria. A total of 567 adults residing in Lima completed the GAD-7 and another psychological instrument. Analyses were performed based on Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory. A unidimensional structure was evidenced with adequate fit indices, acceptable reliability, measurement invariance for sex and age, evidence of relationship with hopelessness and adequate α and β parameters for the items, being the scale more useful in high levels of anxiety. In conclusion, the inferences and interpretations made from its scores are adequate in Peruvian adults, recommending its use to assess anxiety and perform comparative analyses without measurement bias for sex and age groups.


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