Cryptogenic paralysis of the third cranial pair. Case report

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Jhony Alejandro Díaz-Vallejo
José Manuel Bastidas-Acosta
Luna Valeria Gómez-Bastidas
Diana Lorena Martínez-Muñoz


The common ocular motor nerve or third cranial nerve originates from the oculomotor nucleus in the midbrain. It emerges from there and is incorporated into the orbit through the upper orbital fissure, innervating the lifting muscles of the upper eyelid, superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus and inferior oblique. Its affectation in pediatrics is rare and it is usually caused by congenital, traumatic, infectious, tumorous, vascular, toxic and demyelinating causes. The purpose is to report and inform about the case of a patient with the diagnosis of an acute painful ophthalmoplegia of the third left cranial pair. A 5-year-old female patient was presented with the diagnosis of acute painful ophthalmoplegia of the third left cranial pair, of unknown etiology. All complementary tests were normal. She was managed with ocular rehabilitation and spontaneous resolution without recurrences. This nerve can present a complete paralysis or a partial or also called incomplete paralysis. Pediatric oculomotor nerve paralyses are rare disorders, with different etiological mechanisms, which differ from cases in adults. Their treatment and prognosis depend on the etiology, which may be varied.


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How to Cite
Díaz-Vallejo, J. A., Bastidas-Acosta, J. M., Gómez-Bastidas, L. V., & Martínez-Muñoz, D. L. (2021). Cryptogenic paralysis of the third cranial pair. Case report. Duazary, 18(3), 109–113.
Clinical report


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