Location, frequency, size and presentation of osteoesclerosis and/or dense hypercalcified bone in orthopantomography
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Dense bone

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Serpa-Romero, X. Z., Vila-Sierra, L. A., & Escobar-Ospino, D. L. (2021). Location, frequency, size and presentation of osteoesclerosis and/or dense hypercalcified bone in orthopantomography. Duazary, 18(3), 44–52. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.4262


The study correlates the findings found in orthopantomographic radiographs in adult patients treated at the dental clinic of the University of Magdalena compatible with Osteoesclerosis, bearing in mind the radiographic density, it was aimed to determine the location, frequency, presentation and size of the osteosclerosis and / or dense hypercalcified bone in orthopantomographies. From a total of 2300 of the years 2014, 2015 and 2019, 603 orthopantomographies were selected, by simple random probability sampling, 149 radiographs with radiopaque lesions were identified, with characteristics that included lesions compatible with osteosclerosis, in bone density, presentation and location. Of the previously selected radiographs, 49 were excluded due to inclusion and exclusion criteria, leaving a total of 100 radiographs. Of the 100 radiographs studied, 65% of the lesions corresponded to the female sex and 35% to the male sex. From the radiographs studied, isolated characteristics were found in shape, size and location, which suggests predisposing local factors and general bone factors that determine the density or greater activity of osteoblasts in the area.
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