Vaccination against COVID and pregnancy
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Immunization schedule
Breast Feeding

How to Cite

Carla Lorena, M. de S., & Villalba Vizcaíno, V. T. (2021). Vaccination against COVID and pregnancy. Duazary, 18(3), 309–320.


Vaccines are a milestone in medicine, which had reduced the burden of infectious diseases even achieving the eradication of some of them. Since the end of 2019, a new coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2 has emerged. This virus generated millions of deaths in the world and multiple economic effects. That is why the production and implementation of an effective vaccine as a primary prevention tool is imperative. In this journey, several vaccine models have been developed, that passed the first phases of clinical trials, although pregnant patients have not been included in those studies. Despite the lack of evidence, the World Health Organization (WHO) and several gynecological associations currently recommend considering vaccination in high-risk population, like health workers. This article aims to show the relevant aspects of vaccination in pregnant women, and the recommendations under the light of the concepts related to immunity in pregnancy.
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