Bond in person with cancer – family caregiver (dyad) during hospitalization: grounded theory



Patient Care
Chronic Illness
Grounded Theory
Qualitative research

How to Cite

Combita-Zambrano, Ángela M., & Chaparro-Díaz, L. (2021). Bond in person with cancer – family caregiver (dyad) during hospitalization: grounded theory. Duazary, 18(1).


This study to describe the bond of the dyad (Person with cancer - Family Caregiver) during hospitalization in Univesitary Hospital to Bogotá. It is qualitative study with a Grounded Theory approach based on 41 semi-structured interviews with 14 people with cancer, 13 family caregivers and 13 couples. The data derived from the three sources to interview were coded. Then they were grouped into subcategories for each source and in the end 7 patterns were identified that describe the way in which the bond occurs during hospitalization.  It was identified that the dyads in these moments of crisis redefined their relationship, strengthen them as a team and allow them to recognize the need for social and institutional support. This study contributes to nursing practice by determining the significant aspects of the dyad during hospitalization, such as reducing system barriers, improving communication, promoting coexistence in a different way, facilitating institutional support and allowing to project oneself as a dyad and as people for new moments of the trajectory.


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