Solution with quality and reduction of clinical procedure in the oral rehabilitation. Case report
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immediate dental prosthesis
multiple extractions
prosthetic rehabilitation

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Rodríguez-Hernández, J. A. ., Soto-Cos, L. ., Pol-Rodríguez , E. ., Hernández-Sánchez, C. M., Pérez-Álvarez , M. de la C. ., & Pérez-Fuentes , M. . (2020). Solution with quality and reduction of clinical procedure in the oral rehabilitation. Case report. Duazary, 17(4), 89–95.


Patients who require extensive rehabilitation are sometimes difficult to treat due to time and repeated visits to the health institution. We report a clinical case with these characteristics, which presented, in all the remaining teeth, considerable bone loss due to serious periodontal injuries and dental caries, in need of multiple dental extractions in oral surgery and rapid total prosthetic rehabilitation immediately, as there was limited time to treat. The patient could not be rehabilitated with dental implants under these conditions. To achieve this purpose, an immediate prosthesis was indicated, where treatment stages are grouped, to reduce the time of the usual procedure, without neglecting quality. A work was carried out according to the aesthetic-functional demands of the patient, grouping the steps of oral surgery and the preparation and installation of an immediate prosthesis, in a reduced time.
PDF (Español (España))


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