Community intervention for health care in the commune 7 from Santa Marta, Colombia
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Nursing interventions
health care
nursing care

How to Cite

Campo-Torregrosa, Y. ., Toncel-Mutis, Y. ., Olaya-López, C. ., & Padilla-Constante, K. . (2020). Community intervention for health care in the commune 7 from Santa Marta, Colombia. Duazary, 17(4), 47–53.


Given the conditions of the existing social problem in the city of Santa Marta, the neighborhood selected for the project, it houses a large population displaced by violence that increases the scourge of illiteracy, drug addiction, malnutrition, overcrowding, domestic violence, health problems in general, lacking opportunities for the improvement of their quality of life. The Cooperative University of Colombia, through the Nursing Program, will carry out the health diagnosis with emphasis on family and mental health, based on data collected by assessment instruments such as the SQR, RQC, child abuse and population census surveys, which are transformed in health indicators and that serve to intervene the health of the communities. To ensure the existence and continuity of the project, as well as its insertion in the community, the project also involves other civic, educational and social organizations in the sector. For this reason, the project is conceived as a participatory experience of the community, in which ethical and moral knowledge will be imparted to contribute in this way to the integral development of the being itself and therefore of the Santa Marta community.
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