Variables that affect somatic symptom disorder: a logistic regression model
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somatic symptoms

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Bernáldez-Jaimes, G. B., Oudhof-van-Barneveld , J., Robles-Estrada, E., & Domínguez-Espinosa, A. del C. . (2020). Variables that affect somatic symptom disorder: a logistic regression model. Duazary, 17(4), 33–45.


The Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD) refers to the presence of physical discomforts accompanied by excessive concerns and behaviors related to health, whose etiology is presented as multifactorial, among which are stress, personal characteristics, exposure to traumatic situations and irrational beliefs. That is why this research aimed to develop a logistic regression model in order to analyze the incidence of these factors on TSS. We worked with a sample of 201 participants divided into two groups, 111 with a diagnosis of SSD and 90 non-clinical. A binary logistic regression analysis was performed, where the Omnibus test (Chi square of 84.982, p <.001) indicates that the variables of the model contribute to explain the phenomenon; additionally, the Hosmer-Lemeshow test (Chi square of 8.603, p = .377) indicates its adjustment to reality, with four risk variables. The Gastrointestinal Complaints obtained the highest proportion with a Regression Coefficient of 1.053, followed by Concern and Stress, Introversion and Negative Automatic Thoughts; while Helplessness and Despair decrease the probability of SSD. Recurring gastrointestinal complaints appear to be the most common predictive factors of SSD.
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