Factores asociados a letalidad en pacientes con infección de herida quirúrgica. Estudio de casos y controles
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Surgical Wound Infection
Surgical Procedures
Surgical Wound

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Andrade-Mendez, B. ., Ramos-Castaneda, J. A. ., Ruiz-García, M. del M. ., & Suaza-Calderón, E. . (2020). Factores asociados a letalidad en pacientes con infección de herida quirúrgica. Estudio de casos y controles. Duazary, 17(1), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.3219


There is evidence of risk factors associated with surgical site infection (SSI), but there are no studies that have evaluated the factors associated with SSI lethality. We propose a study to determine factors associated with lethality in patients who developed an SSI. A nested case - control study was conducted in adult patients who developed SSI during the period 2015 - 2016 in a university hospital in the southern region of Colombia. The cases were patients with SSI who presented lethality within 30 days after the onset of infection, and the controls who did not die during the 30 days. 150 patients met the selection criteria. The cases (deceased) corresponded to 19.3%, leaving the group of controls (alive) with 80.7%. It was found that controlling the age and days of hospitalization prior to the surgical procedure, organ/space SSI was a factor associated with lethality in infected patients (OR = 2.5 95% CI 1.1 - 6.1). Lethality in patients with SSI was high and represents a public health problem due to the consequences that it causes to the patient and to the health system.
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