Cooperative games and prosocial reasoning in children: effects of an intervention program
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Prosocial judgement
cooperative games
intervention program
elementary school

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Cerchiaro-Ceballos, E., Barras-Rodríguez, R., & Vargas-Romero, H. (2019). Cooperative games and prosocial reasoning in children: effects of an intervention program. Duazary, 16(3), 40–53.


This article presents the results of a study made with children between seven and eight years of age, with the purpose of determining the influence of cooperative games on their prosocial judgement. It has a quasi-experimental design with control and experimental groups, with pre-test and post-test measurements through a pictorical scale to evaluate prosocial reasoning in the participating children, before and after the implementation of an intervention program based on cooperative games. The program had a significant impact on children's prosocial judgement, there was an increase in the frequency of children with needs-oriented and stereotyped reasoning, and a decrease in hedonistic judgement. Psychoeducational programs of this type could be used to positively influence the reasoning and prosocial behavior of children at these ages.
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