Cultural and social factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in San Basilio de Palenque
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Breast Feeding
Cultural factors
Growth and development

How to Cite

López-Sáleme, R., Covilla-Pedrozo, M. K., Morelo-Castro, N. I., & Morelos-Gaviria, L. P. (2019). Cultural and social factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in San Basilio de Palenque. Duazary, 16(2), 293–306.


Cross-sectional analytical study, which aimed to identify the cultural and social factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in San Basilio de Palenque. The population was constituted by 195 mothers of children under 2 years old from the population of San Basilio de Palenque - Bolívar, sample type census. The instruments used were the CAP Manual (2014), IIFAS scale and beliefs. Odd Ratio was used to estimate the association between the variables. In the results, the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was 50%. The social factors that were associated were: the adolescent being OR = 2, 47 (CI = 1, 33 - 4, 58) and having received support from the family in breastfeeding OR = 2, 21 (CI = 1, 12 - 4, 37). Cultural factors: having heard about exclusive breastfeeding OR = 4, 31 (CI = 1, 89 - 9, 81), be prepared to breastfeed your baby OR = 4, 48 (CI = 1, 96 - 10, 27) and when starting to work it is possible to breastfeed OR = 3, 99 (CI = 1, 74 - 9, 14). Believing giving breast generates dependency is less likely to breastfeed exclusively OR = 0, 45 (CI = 0, 22- 0, 94). Having a positive attitude towards breastfeeding is significantly associated with breastfeeding OR = 3,068 (CI = 1, 58-5,955). It was concluded that exclusive breastfeeding in mothers was lower compared to global and national recommendations. The cultural factors maintained a greater influence in the practice of breastfeeding.
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