Relationship between anxiety and coping in the youngest students in a university of the Colombian Caribbean
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Cabas-Hoyos, K., Cabas-Manjarrés, M., De La Espriella, N., Germán-Ayala, N., Martínez-Burgos, L., Villamil-Benítez, I., & Uribe-Urzola, A. (2019). Relationship between anxiety and coping in the youngest students in a university of the Colombian Caribbean. Duazary, 16(2), 239–250.


The present study establishes the relationship between anxiety levels, styles and coping strategies employed by the youngest students in a University of the Colombian Caribbean. It is a quantitative, transverse and descriptive research. The final sample consisted of young (n = 216). In this study were administered the Adolescent Coping Scale - ACS and the Adult Manifiest Anxiety Scale – C (AMAS). The study variables were compared in relation to gender by Student T test. The results show that despite the fact that men show a greater tendency to anxiety, no significant differences are found. As for styles and coping strategies it was found that both men and women employ a very similar way; however, women used a significantly larger way of strategy related to strive and become successful. The results are discussed in relation to the existing literature.
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