Evaluation of the Healthy School program in some public schools in Santa Marta, 2017
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School Health
Program Evaluation
Health Promotion

How to Cite

Cortina-Navarro, C., Alvarez-Miño, L., Ariza-Álvarez, A. A., & Díaz-Ortega, Y. K. (2019). Evaluation of the Healthy School program in some public schools in Santa Marta, 2017. Duazary, 16(2), 226–238. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.2955


ABSTRACT The health and well-being of the community is the basic objective of public health. Healthy school is constituted in a program that seeks to strengthen the social production of health in the school environment through actions of public policy, healthy environment, empowerment and social participation, health education and surveillance. With the objective of establishing the degree of application of the guidelines of the healthy school program in some public schools of the city of Santa Marta for the year 2017, a descriptive quantitative study was carried out in 14 institutions that voluntarily agreed to participate. In general, there was a deficient level of application of the national guidelines for the strategy; In each of the evaluated items a low percentage of compliance was evidenced, concluding that it is necessary to design strengthening strategies in the implementation of the program that allow a fundamental objective of improving the health of schoolchildren and the academic community in general.
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