Beyond the school environment: relation between children well-being and family well-being
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Child well-being
Family well-being
Student-school relation

How to Cite

Reyes-Rojas, M., Jaimes-Puentes, Y., & Bravo-Suarez, Ángela P. (2019). Beyond the school environment: relation between children well-being and family well-being. Duazary, 16(2), 149–158.


A cross-sectional study was carried out, which aimed to establish the relationship between child welfare, family welfare and school climate in children of a public school of the Fundacion (Magdalena, Colombia). Family well-being was quantified with the scale Family Members Well-Being Index (FMWB), child welfare with the Child Welfare Inventory (IBI) and school climate with the School Social Climate Scale (ECLIS). The association between the variables was established with the Spearman correlation coefficient (r). The study was attended by 49 children aged between 9 and 11. A significant relationship was found between school climate in the bullying subtest with child welfare (r=-0,30, p=0,03), school climate in the teacher’s subtest and the children welfare in the subjective wellbeing subtest (r =0,40, p=0,04) and the school climate and the Family Well-being scale. The ecological perspective and the relationship between family climate, the child well-being and the family well-being is discussed, and the scope of these indicators should be further studied. The quality of children's relationships and in the near future
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