Detección de signos y síntomas de alteraciones en la salud mental de los habitantes del barrio Ocho de Diciembre Santa Marta, DTCH
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Factor of Risk
Mental Health

How to Cite

Gonzalez Noguera, T. C., & Ramos de la Cruz, E. (2004). Detección de signos y síntomas de alteraciones en la salud mental de los habitantes del barrio Ocho de Diciembre Santa Marta, DTCH. Duazary, 1(2), 92–100.


Introduction:  The Second National Study of Mental Health and Consumption of Psychoactive Substances of 1,997, demonstrated the situation of the department of the Magdalena with respect to the mental health showing that the 9,8% of the population of the Magdalena presents/displays a high probability of undergoing mental upheaval, the 17,3% of the population consumes spirits and its beginning average is to the twelve years, the annual prevalence of tobacco addiction is of 23,8%, of marijuana of the 2,0%, cocaine of the 0,4% and violence of 13.0%.These indicators show the necessity to develop actions to the improvement of the quality of the population, which are responsibility of each territorial being to develop to projects and programs oriented towards the promotion of the health and prevention of the disease with the purpose of modifying and diminishing the indices of morbidity and mortality. Objective: To detect the risk factors that favor the presence of probable alterations in the mental health of the inhabitants of district eight of December of commune Five of the District of Santa Marta, who allows to the decision making for to address of the academic programs of intervention of promotion of the mental health and prevention of diseases in this sense. Population and Method: A descriptive study of communitarian base was made in all the inhabitants and residents in the district Eight of December, the source of intelligence and the unit of analysis. For the harvesting of the information precocious detection devices of signs were used and symptoms of alteration in the mental health in adults such as depression or distresses, psychosis, epilepsy and alcoholism, the survey of detection of I mistreat and interfamilial violence was applied to the figure of authority in the family. Results: Were 196 families, 199 greater people of 15 years and 170 smaller children of 15 years of age. In the children one detected possible upheavals of the behavior and development. 15% are in risk of undergoing depression or distress, with predominance in feminine sex (96,6%), 6.9% presented/displayed indicators of high risk of psychosis, 5% of the adults refer signs and epilepsy symptoms, 20% abuse the alcohol consumption. Of the surveys children, the group of 7 to 14 years presented/displayed symptoms of alterations in the development or behavior. With respect to I mistreat and interfamily violence, the minors receive bad treatments in (86%) by its parents, stepfathers and brothers, and the forms but used to correct are (27%) with scolders and to harp on, (20%) with calls of attention and (17%) with punishment with belt. Conclusions: The socioeconomic condition, a little social support, the uprooting by the displacements, the educative and intellectual lack of attainable goals and limitations contribute to the alteration of the mental health to I mistreat and interfamily violence of the people, families and community.
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