Understanding the care of the coordinators of disciplinary areas of the nursing program
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Nursing Care
Nursing Education

How to Cite

Ramos, E., & Guevara, B. (2018). Understanding the care of the coordinators of disciplinary areas of the nursing program. Duazary, 15(3), 38–50. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.2493


The objective of the research was to understand the meaning of self-care for the coordinators of the Nursing Program's disciplinary area. For the methodological approach was made through the qualitative paradigm with a phenomenological-hermeneutical epistemic matrix, the information was collected with the in-depth interview technique, the key informants were four program coordinators, for the analysis of results the phases of Spiegelberg this allowed to understand the meaning assigned by key informants to self-care. The tour was carried out through the five stages in order to understand the meaning of taking care of oneself from the coordinators, and as a result we have two categories entitled: The Care of Yes as a form of Wellbeing and Strategies to take care of oneself. According to the final considerations, it can be said that taking care of the coordinators of the Nursing Program of the Universidad del Magdalena, for them is important because of their academic and professional training they are aware of the importance of caring Yes, however, they recognize that sometimes they do not attribute the time and importance it has to their health and well-being.
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