Placement of dental implants with osseous filler (Biograft-G®) in bone with dental alveolar trauma. Case report
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Dental Trauma
Dental Implant
Bone Regeneration
β-Tricalcium Phosphate

How to Cite

Pérez-Fuentes, M., Pérez-Álvarez, M., Rodríguez-Hernández, J. A., Delgado García-Menocal, J. Ángel, Alfonso Hernández, A., & Ramos-Almeida, D. T. (2018). Placement of dental implants with osseous filler (Biograft-G®) in bone with dental alveolar trauma. Case report. Duazary, 15(3), 347–353.


Today is a challenge to restore the natural appearance and anatomy of extracted teeth. In this paper we present a clinical case in which the right upper central incisor is restored, due to the presence of a dentomaxillofacial trauma, through a Leader® implant combined with Biograft-G® bone filler. The patient is a 19 year woman treated in the multidisciplinary consultation of the National Center of Stomatology, Havana, Cuba. The patient had an immediate prosthesis due to a fracture of the crown and root, with vestibular bone defect. The patient frequently fractured the prosthesis, which affected her in terms of aesthetics, social, psychological and functional incorporation. After a multidisciplinary evaluation and the patient’s consent, the surgery was performed using the flap technique, the placement of the Leader® implant and the filling with Biograft-G® to regenerate the bone defect, to recover the vestibular contour and to achieve a definitive rehabilitation. With this treatment, the patient obtained the desired aesthetic and functional results.
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