Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on VIH - AIDS in Adolescents of 9°, 10° and 11° grade of a public school in the District of Santa Marta - Colombia
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How to Cite

Contreras-Britto, J. B., & Trout-Guardiola, G. (2018). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices on VIH - AIDS in Adolescents of 9°, 10° and 11° grade of a public school in the District of Santa Marta - Colombia. Duazary, 15(3), 295–305.


In Colombia, HIV-AIDS affects the population of young and sexually active people. To perform behavioral studies allows the monitoring of indicators that define behavioral aspects that are fundamental in the spread of the disease. In this regard, this descriptive cross-sectional study search to describe the knowledge, attitudes and practices in 212 adolescents students –of 9, 10 and 11 grade of a public school in the District of Santa Marta—, towards the disease of HIV-AIDS. The results were the following: 91% of the teenagers received information about HIV -AIDS, 68%, received it at school; 18% did not recognize HIV-AIDS as a STD; 98% did not know other STDs such as candidiasis and trichomoniasis; 98% did not consider alcohol and drug use as a risk factor for contracting STDs, among others. It is concluded that the majority of adolescents do not have sufficient knowledge about HIV-AIDS, which is a risk factor.
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