Risk behaviors and level of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections in university students
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sexually transmitted diseases
risk factors
young adult

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Villafañe-Ferrer, L. M., & González-Navarro, R. M. (2017). Risk behaviors and level of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections in university students. Duazary, 14(2), 160–168. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.1964


Sexually transmitted infections are an epidemiologic and clinical problem of first order in all the world by effect that can produce and their economic consequences. Adolescents and young are in most risk to have these diseases by facts such as premature sexual relationships and promiscuity. The objective of this investigation was to determine risk behaviors and level of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections in students’ community. Correlational cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was applied to determine risk behaviors and level of knowledge about sexually transmitted infections to 128 students’ community. In this study was found 78.1% of students had sexual relationships. 55% of students drink alcohol before a sexual relationship. By means of statistical analysis was found association between sexually transmitted infections and drug use (p=0.042). Students had a regular level of knowledge. It not was found association between risk behaviors and level of knowledge (p>0.05). Results found in this investigation demonstrate the necessity of making activities for prevention of these infections and motivating changes of behaviors for reducing risk of contagion of these infections
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