Evidence-based medicine: review of the concept.
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Evidence-based medicine

How to Cite

Maestre Uhía, J. M., Ocampo Ospino, C. del C., Useche Amarís, N. S., & Trout Guardiola, G. O. (2012). Evidence-based medicine: review of the concept. Duazary, 9(2), 159–166. https://doi.org/10.21676/2389783X.177


This article reviews the concept of evidence-based medicine (EBM), EBM is a way to engage the best available evidence with the expertise and individual skills of the doctor is also a way to nurture the practice of medicine with scientific data. The thesis begins with a journey through the history of the concept, then we review what levels of evidence are and grades of recommendation, finally concisely describes how to make MBE.
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